
Private Equity

Since 2000, we have focused on offering our clients access to market areas where we believe there is more opportunity to outperform.

What Defines Our Approach

Institutional process combined with an entrepreneurial point of view

Access to local market insights via the firm’s global platform

Diversified underwriting experience

Investment Focus

Multiple solutions for all aspects of the private markets spectrum


Centered on global growth, as well as small and mid-market buyouts


Targeting mature assets through an opportunistic approach


Leveraging relationships with fund managers to invest directly in private companies

We strive to deliver strong returns for our clients while mitigating ESG risks. We believe sound ESG practices strengthen and enhance long-term performance potential while also providing downside protection.

Three Pillars of ESG in Due Diligence

Live discussions with fund managers on ESG issues

Incident screening and review using third-party data providers

Assessment of General Partner ESG policies and processes

An Empowered Approach
PineBridge Private Funds in Action

An Empowered Approach

Steve Costabile and other senior leaders from the Private Funds Group explain key attributes differentiating their approach from industry peers, and how a distinct middle-market focus and outside-the-box thinking contribute to innovative portfolio construction.

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The Middle-Market Advantage

The Middle-Market Advantage

We believe middle market private equity transactions are the lifeblood of many industries and a source of attractive return potential for investors, offering key advantages over larger deals.

Explore the nuances of this compelling market segment and why we think it will beat out large-caps in private equity investing.

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Key Professionals

Steven Costabile, CFA

Steven Costabile, CFA

Global Head of Private Funds Group

New York
Peter Hwang

Peter Hwang

Managing Director, Private Funds Group

Hong Kong
Jason McGann, CFA

Jason McGann, CFA

Managing Director, Private Funds Group

New York
Justin Pollack

Justin Pollack

Managing Director, Private Funds Group

New York
Jay Quenville

Jay Quenville

Managing Director, Private Funds Group

Loïc Rentiers

Loïc Rentiers

Managing Director, Private Funds Group

Olivier Keller, CAIA, FRM

Olivier Keller, CAIA, FRM

Managing Director, Portfolio Manager, Private Funds Group
