Remembering John Lapham


PineBridge Investments is sad to share that John Lapham, Managing Director and Co-Head of the Leveraged Finance Team, has passed away.

A pioneer of PineBridge since 1995, John was instrumental in propelling our journey as an independent firm and building the CLO and loans business. Even greater, he was widely recognized for the enduring impact he made on our people – for his leadership, kindness, and generosity.

Outside PineBridge, his passion and influence extended to his devotion to family, community, and his love for basketball. He was an active volunteer with several organizations that were dear to him including the Al Wooten Jr. Heritage Center and Ketchum-Downtown YMCA.

We have lost a beloved mentor and friend; and he will be sorely missed.

Special memories of John as shared by his team:

“I feel so fortunate to have known John for 16+ years. He was more than just a boss or a colleague to many of us and will sorely be missed. He was one of the most hardworking and passionate people I have known, and that passion extended to all parts of his life.” – Kevin Wolfson, PM, US Leveraged Loans.

“I have had the good fortune to have worked closely with John for many years. He was such a positive force both within and outside of PineBridge. I’ve learned so much from John about how to approach life - well beyond the CLOs we worked on together.” – Dan Sherry, PM, US CLO Management

“Thinking about John and the influence he had on my professional and personal life, I’m at a loss for words. I spent the last 18+ years working closely with John on credits, CLOs and other projects. His advice on all matters, professional and personal was extremely valuable to me. John was a living embodiment of how someone can have a successful career and at the same time be a compassionate human being. He truly cared about all of us and wanted us to be successful in our careers and in our life.” – Steve Hasnain, PM, US CLO Management

John was passionate about working with youth and was devoted to the Al Wooten Jr. Youth Center in Los Angeles, where he served on the Board for over 25 years. If you’d like to make a donation in John’s honor, please visit their donation page and select the option for the John Lapham Memorial Fund.
