Abdelkader Boukhatem

Co-Portfolio Manager & Trader, European Leveraged Finance
Co-Portfolio Manager & Trader, European Leveraged Finance

Mr. Boukhatem joined the firm in 2020 and is a Co-Portfolio Manager for European CLOs and Trader on the Leveraged Finance team. He is responsible for co-managing the European CLOs platform and for the execution of European loan and bond trades. Before joining the firm, Mr. Boukhatem worked at Credit Suisse Asset Management’s Credit Investments Group, where he was part of the CLO and loan funds platform. Prior to that, he worked at US Bank Corporation as a CLO Analyst and held roles at Lyxor Asset Management and Société Générale. Mr. Boukhatem received an MSc in Banking and Finance, an MSc in Economic Science and Company Management, and a BSc in Economics from the Université René Descartes (Paris V).
