Anders Faergemann

Co-Head of EM Global Fixed Income
Co-Head of EM Global Fixed Income

Mr. Faergemann joined the firm in 2004 to develop our EM local currency debt capabilities. He is responsible for a dedicated EM local currency strategy and co-manages EM blended portfolios as well as global government bonds strategy. Upon joining, Mr. Faergemann was instrumental in institutionalising the EM local currency investment process building on his significant FX experience as EM currency strategist with AIG Trading dating back to 1998. 

He chairs EM Debt Investment Committee and Global FX Committee; he is also a member of Fixed Income Asset Allocation Team as well as Rates and Global Strategy Committee. Mr. Faergemann began his investment career at AIG, following research roles at the Institut for Konjunktur-Analyse, a Danish research institute; the Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs at the European Commission and Denmark’s Permanent Representation to the EU. He holds an economics degree from the University of Copenhagen and a Master of Arts in economics of in Economics of the European Union from the University of Exeter, UK. He also holds an Investment Management Certificate.
