Fixed Income

Yield That Is Ahead of the Curve

In a rapidly shifting global market, skilled active security selection and asset allocation are more important than ever to capitalize on opportunities.

Steven Oh, Global Head of Credit and Fixed Income, Rob Vanden Assem, Head of Developed Markets IG Fixed Income, and Chris Perryman, Co-Head of Global EM Fixed Income discuss the role fixed income plays in portfolios in a new credit cycle and address the risks and opportunities across the credit risk spectrum and geographies.

Positioning Fixed Income Portfolios for the Next Credit Cycle

At PineBridge, we focus on strategies that generate alpha for clients across a wide range of fixed income markets via our multisector fixed income platform – from high yield bonds to emerging market (EM) debt to developed market investment grade bonds. We apply our collaborative, high-conviction approach to each and every one of these strategies.

Our consistent framework – focused on fundamentals, valuations, and technicals (FVT) – guides security selection around the globe

We take an integrated approach to ESG, tailored to each segment of fixed income

Collaboration, both across and within asset classes, positions our teams to drive results for client portfolios


We provide a broad and diverse mix of fixed income strategies that seek to address market challenges unique to each economic and credit cycle.

Developed Markets Investment Grade

Core portfolio exposure across the developed markets

Leveraged Finance

Credit exposure to high yield bonds, bank loans, and collateralized loan obligations (CLOs)

Emerging Markets

Exposure across markets with unique opportunities and risks


Stand-alone or packaged solutions offer less correlated exposure

Integrated Portfolio Management

Our differentiated approach starts with integrated portfolio management, which emphasizes the constant interaction between investment professionals:

  • From a top-down perspective, collaboration across our broader multi-asset and global fixed income asset allocation teams expands perspective on macro views.

  • From a bottom-up perspective, interaction between portfolio managers, analysts, and traders within our research-driven process helps optimize decisions – each functional role brings a unique perspective to credit selection.


For illustrative purposes only. We are not soliciting or recommending any action based on this material.

Deep Capabilities and Access to Public and Private Credit Markets

Source: PineBridge Investments as of 30 June 2024.

We assess the nuances of each market sector using our common Fundamentals, Valuations, and Technicals (FVT) framework to evaluate risk and opportunities, with a relative value perspective shaping our security selection.


We focus on balance sheet strength, financial policies, and fundamental industry trends


We assess credit quality at the sector level based on comparisons across market cycles


We consider factors including spreads, trade structure, and the impact of liquidity

Our robust communication infrastructure allows our teams around the globe to regularly engage in meaningful debate, arriving at decisions that are geared toward adding value to our clients’ portfolios.


For illustrative purposes only. We are not soliciting or recommending any action based on this material.

Steven Oh, CFA
Steven Oh, CFA
Global Head of Credit and Fixed Income, Co-Head of Leveraged Finance

You want a credit manager that produces an alpha outcome. But that alpha can't be looked at in isolation, how you generate that alpha is very important on a risk control basis.’

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It’s a critical time for investors to consider whether their fixed income allocations are aligned with their goals – and we see several key bright spots across the global credit landscape.

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Our ESG Approach

We believe ESG factors can have a negative or positive impact on investment performance across sectors, issuers, and regions

We place greater value on the direction and momentum of change on ESG issues than on a company’s starting point

We believe active engagement of bondholders can be effective in raising issuers’ awareness of and responsiveness to ESG risks
