
Total Return Opportunities Across 80+ Asset Classes

To address investor demands unique to each market cycle, the PineBridge Multi-Asset team draws on the firm’s strength, breadth, and depth across global markets and asset classes through an integrated approach.

Dynamic management

We adjust allocations to changing market conditions and risk/return dynamics

Intermediate-term perspective

We believe prices tend to converge with fundamentals within nine to 18 months

Experience navigating market cycles

Our diverse global team has experience maneuvering through ever-changing market conditions


Our team manages US$17.9 billion1 in comprehensive and globally diversified asset allocation offerings for a broad range of sophisticated investors and across multiple vehicles:

Global Dynamic Asset Allocation

  • An intermediate-term, dynamic portfolio positioning strategy for institutional investors

  • Available in commingled vehicles, separately managed accounts, and region-specific offerings

Balanced and Lifestyle Funds

  • Diversified funds that offer targeted solutions based on an individual investor’s risk tolerance

Strategic Partnerships

  • Direct access to our investment team and meaningful insights specific to a client’s needs

  • Transparency into our investment approach and factors influencing markets

1Data as of 30 June 2024. Multi-Asset includes US$6.1 billion allocated opportunistically by the Multi-Asset team to PineBridge equity, fixed income and alternative strategies. Due to rounding totals are approximate.

Harnessing Insights From Our Global Network of On-the-Ground Specialists

Our innovative investment culture is built around diverse points of view, collaboration with colleagues, and partnerships with clients. This keeps us connected to the challenges investors face across and within markets.

Our network is crucial to enabling the synthesis of top-down and bottom-up perspectives that’s at the heart of how we develop ideas and construct our portfolios.

2Access to Alternatives information is conducted in accordance with PineBridge policies and procedures relating to information barriers, conflicts of interest and other restrictions.

PineBridge Multi-Asset’s Time-Tested Investment Process

Our approach is dynamic, allowing us to tap into the unique opportunities of each market cycle by leveraging a disciplined investment process.

PineBridge Multi-Asset Approach

For illustrative purposes only. We are not soliciting or recommending any action based on this material. Any views represent the opinion of the investment manager and are subject to change.

PineBridge Multi-Asset ESG Philosophy

Key Principles Guide Our Forward-Looking, Integrated Approach

Like companies, asset classes that generate more sustainable cash flows create more economic benefit.

Asset classes respond to change at the margin, therefore ESG improvement matters at least as much, if not more so, than state of being for portfolios and society at large.

Companies respond more to owners than conscientious objectors.

While both parties can play a useful role, we believe engagement by owners is more effective in driving ESG improvement versus an exclusionary strategy.

ESG is assessed top down and bottom up, through both selection and engagement.

The engagement bar is raised for companies exhibiting higher ESG risks. In allocating to passive, allocators take on incremental engagement responsibility.

A Snapshot of Notable Developments and ESG Trends Around the World
Global Multi-Asset ESG Report

A Snapshot of Notable Developments and ESG Trends Around the World

Our Global Multi-Asset team closely tracks ESG developments in 50 asset classes globally and produces biannual reports on these findings, which inform the implementation of our asset class convictions — aiming to maximize potential ESG opportunities and alpha potential.

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How We Dynamically Position for Opportunities
PineBridge Multi-Asset in Action

How We Dynamically Position for Opportunities

Using dynamic allocations to various asset classes and geographies, we build portfolios that tap into emerging micro and macro trends. Michael J. Kelly and his team explore how we’re able to spot these opportunities.

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Investment Team

Michael J. Kelly, CFA

Michael J. Kelly, CFA

Global Head of Multi-Asset

New York
Peter Hu, CFA, FRM

Peter Hu, CFA, FRM

Portfolio Manager, Global Multi-Asset

New York
Steven Lin, CFA

Steven Lin, CFA

Portfolio Manager, Global Multi-Asset

New York
Paul Mazzacano

Paul Mazzacano

Head of Manager Selection, Global Multi-Asset

New York
Deanne Nezas, CFA, FSA, MAAA

Deanne Nezas, CFA, FSA, MAAA

Portfolio Manager, Global Multi-Asset

New York
Sunny Ng, CFA

Sunny Ng, CFA

Portfolio Manager, Global Multi-Asset

New York
Hani Redha, CAIA

Hani Redha, CAIA

Portfolio Manager, Global Multi-Asset

Benjamin Tsui

Benjamin Tsui

Portfolio Manager, Global Multi-Asset

Hong Kong