Fixed Income

Multi-Sector Credit

We believe that a multi-asset credit approach can broaden exposure to a much wider universe of opportunities, expanding potential, while seeking our objective of generating income and yield.


We offer opportunistic and unconstrained strategies which tap into opportunities across the fixed income landscape.

Strategic Bond

Total return strategy combining top-down scenario-driven and directional views with a bottom-up, credit-intensive research process.

Dynamic Fixed Income

Total-return strategy providing access to the global fixed income universe, employing an unconstrained approach.

Opportunistic Credit

A ‘best ideas’ global multi-asset credit strategy seeking to capitalize on market inefficiencies by leveraging idiosyncratic1 risks from the credit cycle.

Flexible Credit

Diversified, semi-liquid strategy providing access to both public and private credit markets for investors seeking new sources of higher yield.

1Returns that cannot be explained by common factors such as market movements and are specific to an investment’s own merit, rather than common to other similar investments.

Featured Insight

How a Multi-Asset Credit Approach Can Outperform Traditional Fixed-Income Portfolios

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Global Opportunistic Credit
Strategy Spotlight

Global Opportunistic Credit

Seeking alpha by selecting high-conviction ideas across global credit markets through a multi-asset credit approach

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Featured Insight

Managing the Risks Inherent in Multi-Asset Credit Strategies

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PineBridge Flexible Credit
Strategy Spotlight

PineBridge Flexible Credit

A multi-asset credit strategy in active pursuit of opportunities across public and private credit markets

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Fixed Income Solutions

Developed Markets Investment Grade

Core portfolio exposure across the developed markets

Leveraged Finance

Credit exposure to high yield bonds, bank loans, and collateralized loan obligations (CLOs)

Emerging Markets

Exposure across markets with unique opportunities and risks


Stand-alone or packaged solutions offer less correlated exposure
