Tadashi Matsukawa

Head of Fixed Income Investments, Japan
Head of Fixed Income Investments, Japan

Mr. Matsukawa joined the firm in 2004 and is head of the Fixed Income team in Japan, which manages yen and non-yen fixed income portfolios, together with foreign currency transactions through, investment trusts and pension funds. Mr. Matsukawa predominantly manages yen fixed income portfolios. Prior to his current role, he was responsible for credit research on Japanese companies, which included the banking sector. Previously, he worked at GE Asset Management Co., Ltd. His professional career started in 1985 at Nippon Credit Bank, Ltd. (now Aozora Bank, Ltd.), where he had experience as Fixed Income Fund Manager, Trader, and Credit Analyst. Mr. Matsukawa received a Bachelor of Arts in International Language from Sophia University. He is a chartered member of the Security Analysts Association of Japan.
