Strategy Spotlight

PineBridge Flexible Credit

A multi-asset credit strategy in active pursuit of opportunities across public and private credit markets

Fixed income markets have changed dramatically since the global financial crisis, with unconventional monetary policy keeping yields low for traditional fixed income sectors. This has prompted many investors to seek wider spreads and higher yields through credit sectors, including exposure to less-liquid markets, such as private credit.

Flexible Credit harnesses these dynamics by looking for the most compelling investments in both public and private credit markets, with the goal of delivering attractive risk-adjusted returns.


PineBridge Flexible Credit is a diversified, semi-liquid strategy that seeks to take advantage of opportunities in both public and private credit markets. The strategy is designed to invest predominantly in senior secured, floating-rate loans, while opportunistically allocating to high yield bonds and CLO debt tranches through a flexible mandate.


For illustrative purposes only.

Our Process

Flexible Credit Brings Deep Experience Sourcing Public and Private Credit

Leading Global Credit Platform

Integrated global credit platform with deep resources focused on strategies that generate alpha for clients. Applying our collaborative, high-conviction approach, we focus on rigorous fundamental analysis, skilled security selection, and credit monitoring.

Distinctive Private Credit Experience

Direct lending strategy provides senior secured loans to US-based middle-market companies seeking to recapitalize or finance growth. We leverage PineBridge’s long-standing sponsor relationships and significant leadership role to drive a strong and diversified portfolio of loans.

Exploring Investment Vehicles to Access Blended Public and Private Portfolios
Featured Insight

Exploring Investment Vehicles to Access Blended Public and Private Portfolios

Vehicle structure is critical when assessing the liquidity enhancements of a blended public and private investment portfolio. Explore the various options available to investors seeking broader portfolio diversification.

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Application and Potential Benefits

Flexible Credit may offer benefits for investors seeking:

Higher Return Potential

  • Exposure to private middle-market direct lending offers enhanced yield potential and diversification, and can help mitigate risk relative to traditional credit

  • Floating-rate loan exposure may help mitigate downside and protect investors’ capital in a rising interest rate environment

Diversified Exposure through a One Portfolio Solution

  • Flexibility to seek attractive relative value across the liquidity spectrum and capital structure in one vehicle, versus separate allocations

  • Ability to access illiquidity premium of private markets without locking up capital for years

Deep Credit Experience

  • Managed by a team of portfolio managers averaging roughly 30 years1 of investment experience across industries, capital structures, and market cycles

1As of 30 June 2024.

Key Professionals

Steven Oh, CFA

Steven Oh, CFA

Global Head of Credit and Fixed Income, Co-Head of Leveraged Finance

Los Angeles
James Fisher

James Fisher

Managing Director, Head of PineBridge Private Credit

Kevin Wolfson

Kevin Wolfson

Portfolio Manager, US Leveraged Loans and CLO Management

Los Angeles
Doug Lyons

Doug Lyons

Managing Director, Head of Origination

Brian Senatore

Brian Senatore

Managing Director, Head of Portfolio Management & Underwriting

Joseph Taylor, CFA

Joseph Taylor, CFA

Managing Director, Head of Capital Markets

Jeremy H. Burton, CFA

Jeremy H. Burton, CFA

Portfolio Manager, US High Yield and Leveraged Loans

New York
Laila Kollmorgen, CFA

Laila Kollmorgen, CFA

Portfolio Manager, CLO Tranche
