Strategy Spotlight

PineBridge Global Opportunistic Credit

A Multi-Asset Credit Strategy for Evolving Markets

We believe income will continue to play an outsized role in investors’ returns this year, but a key question is how to intelligently de-risk portfolios without sacrificing yield. With volatility set to persist, we expect these dynamics could create opportunities in Global Opportunistic Credit, which seeks to capitalize on individual credits and issuers adjusting to evolving business conditions through multi-asset credit exposure.


Investment Universe and Approximate Size (USD)

US$1.4 tn

Global Bank Loans1

US$1.3 tn

Global High Yield Bonds2

US$1.0 tn

CLO Debt Tranches3

US$300 bn

Stressed Debt4

As of 30 June 2024. For illustrative purposes only. Any views represent the opinion of the investment manager and are subject to change. 1Source: S&P/LSTA Leveraged Loan Index. 2Source: BofA Merrill Lynch Global Research, BofA Merrill Lynch Bond Indices (US High Yield, European High Yield and Emerging Market High Yield). 3Source: BofA Global Research, Intex. 4Source: PineBridge Investments calculations based on a subset of the loan and high yield market. Stressed Debt represent an asset characteristic that spans asset classes.

Global Opportunistic Credit: Enhanced Yield Potential in Turbulent Times
Featured Insight

Global Opportunistic Credit: Enhanced Yield Potential in Turbulent Times

Discover where we’re finding relative value opportunities across the leveraged finance universe, geographies, and the risk spectrum.



Opportunistic Positioning to Adapt to Evolving Markets

The strategy leverages idiosyncratic risks from the credit cycle and shifts between core and tactical allocations to seek the most attractive risk-adjusted returns.


Source: PineBridge Investments. For illustrative purposes only. We are not soliciting or recommending any action based on this material. Any views represent the opinion of the investment manager and are subject to change.


Application and Potential Benefits

Global Opportunistic Credit may be worth considering for investors who are looking to:

Access Opportunities Often Overlooked

The strategy seeks to capitalize on market inefficiencies by leveraging idiosyncratic risks from the credit cycle.

Gain Diversified, Multi-Sector Credit Exposure in One Vehicle

The targeted portfolio represents our best ideas across the global credit spectrum.

Draw Upon the Expertise of Credit Specialists With a Consistent Track Record

Our stable and experienced leveraged finance team has invested across geographies and capital structures, in a range of market cycles.

How a Dynamic Strategy Can Provide Return – and Safety – in Uncertain Times
Multi-Asset Credit

How a Dynamic Strategy Can Provide Return – and Safety – in Uncertain Times


Key Investment Professionals

Steven Oh, CFA

Steven Oh, CFA


John Yovanovic, CFA

John Yovanovic, CFA

Co-Head of Leveraged Finance
