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Through ‘#pinebridgepledge,’ Employees Support Valuable Youth-Focused Community Programs

PineBridge Investments recently launched a global volunteering and community action program called #pinebridgepledge, which aims to bring employees together to take positive action in their local communities with a focus on youth-oriented and educational programs.
Over the next three years, the goal of #pinebridgepledge is for 75% of our global workforce to take advantage of their annual PineBridge volunteer day with the common purpose of advancing youth and financial-literacy organizations and programs. We have already made significant progress toward this end, with global colleagues supporting several valuable programs:
Mumbai Virtual Financial Literacy program with Aamcha Ghar
Members of the PineBridge team organized a Virtual Financial Literacy session with the orphanage and child welfare organization Aamcha Ghar for local students in Mumbai. The session provided insights ranging from the intricacies of the banking system in India, to concepts such as credit, debt, and budgeting, ending with a quiz. With the enthusiastic participation of nearly 80 students, the session proved to be an insightful and engaging experience for all involved. The PineBridge India team is excited about the prospect of leading more initiatives that make a positive impact in the local community.
Hong Kong INSEAD Singapore and HKU partnership
PineBridge Hong Kong collaborated with the prestigious INSEAD Singapore and HKU business schools to offer exclusive information sessions for their students. These sessions were designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the asset management industry from the perspective of our experienced practitioners. PineBridge hosted 16 MBA students from INSEAD Singapore, who visited our Hong Kong office for their first offsite since the pandemic. PineBridge also hosted a session for around 50 postgraduate students from various programs at HKU Business School’s MBA campus. Our speakers, who represented diverse backgrounds and functions within the asset management industry, shared valuable insights and career advice with the students. The sessions also included interactive Q&A and networking opportunities.
Personal finance classes with W!SE in New York
PineBridge is partnering with financial literacy organization W!SE (“working in support of education”), an award-winning national education nonprofit dedicated to improving economic mobility through various programs focused on career and college readiness. PineBridge colleagues representing all investment teams recently presented three personal finance classes at Cardinal Spellman High School in the Bronx. The classes were made up of an engaged group of seniors who had just taken the W!se financial literacy exam, with the presentations providing a background on asset management and focused on each panelist's career trajectory, as well as general advice for a career in business/finance.
LGBTQ+ & Allies youth financial literacy seminar
Likewise, members of the PineBridge LGBTQ+ & Allies employee resource group presented a financial literacy seminar to youth from the Ali Forney Center, covering savings and banking, budgeting, debt, and credit basics. The Ali Forney Center is the largest organization in the US focused on protecting homeless lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning youth from the harms of homelessness, as well as empowering them with the tools needed to be independent.
London staffers help renovate the Pedro Club, a haven for safe youth sport
Over forty PineBridge employees in London recently volunteered their time over three days at the Pedro Club, a boxing club based in East London that offers children and young adults a haven to enjoy sport and progress among their peers. Employees helped renovate the building and communal spaces as well cleaning, decorating, and building storage units. Established in 1929, the Pedro Club is one of Britain’s oldest youth clubs and is heavily reliant on volunteers and charitable donations. The team’s hard work has transformed the space, which now has a new lease of life as a valuable community resource.
Maralyn Gordon, CEO of The Pedro Club, said, "Sincere thanks to PineBridge and all of the staff that volunteered to roll-up their sleeves and get stuck in sprucing up the lounge and classroom – it looks and feels amazing! This really does make a difference to so many members of our community that struggle with life's pressures, as the environment keeps them safe, warm and quite often fed – allowing them very precious moments of not having to worry about the world outside.”
PineBridge is excited by the progress already made through #pinebridgepledge and looks forward to future opportunities to get employees involved with these and other valuable community programs that help advance youth and financial literacy.