Multi-Asset Credit

How a Dynamic Strategy Can Provide Return – and Safety – in Uncertain Times

Investors are increasingly considering alternative fixed income solutions, such as multi-asset credit (MAC) strategies, as traditional fixed income approaches struggle to deliver the results asset owners need to meet their liabilities. Here, we discuss how MAC can help investors find opportunities in all types of markets.

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Cast a Wider Net for Outperformance Potential

Fixed income spectrum returns are nonlinear and more volatile than most people would expect. Broadening the exposure to a much wider universe of credit instruments can give portfolios more potential for outperformance.

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Managing the Risks Inherent in Multi-Asset Credit Strategies

As with any investment strategy, there are risks to consider with MAC. Essential to managing risk is the manager’s strategic view of where we are in the economic and credit cycle to position for drawdown periods.

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Increase Your Alpha Potential Through Security Selection

Despite today’s defensive orientation, opportunities to capture alpha still emerge within each region and asset class. For a MAC approach to be effective, bottom-up security selection is key, which means it’s crucial for managers to have knowledge across asset classes and geographical areas.


CLOs can provide diversification and low correlation with other sectors, as well as other benefits. Portfolio manager Laila Kollmorgen, explains.

CLOs: What Do They Contribute to a Multi-Asset Credit Strategy
