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Company Responsibility
At PineBridge, our company responsibility efforts aim to drive our social responsibility strategy and company best practices as an employer, corporate citizen, industry player, and community member.
Advancing on Our Commitments
In our third annual assessment of PineBridge’s corporate responsibility efforts, we take stock of the progress we’ve made as a firm and the work that lies ahead as we advance on our commitments.
Our goals for the year ahead are robust, and we plan to build on the progress made in 2023 to further advance our activities as a responsible investor and global stakeholder – including advocating for our views on long-term value creation through active stewardship and engagement.

Partnering With Community Programs
Investing in a Diverse Future Workforce
We partner with leading organizations to offer internships opportunities for a diverse range of future workforce participants.
New York
The Opportunity Network seeks to ensure that young people from historically underrepresented backgrounds have equal access to educational and professional opportunities.
New York

The Ali Forney Center is committed to saving the lives of LGBTQ+ young people, protecting them from the harms of homelessness and empowering them with tools to live independently.

Girls Are INvestors is an organization dedicated to improving gender diversity in the asset management industry.
Hong Kong

The Hong Kong Government Subsidized Summer Internship Program (“SIP”) is an intercity initiative to provide undergraduate students exposure to career opportunities in the finance industry.
Employee Action: #pinebridgepledge
#pinebridgepledge brings employees together to take positive action in their local communities, with a focus on youth-oriented and educational programs. Learn more about recent financial literacy initiatives and other volunteer efforts across the globe.